Storytelling is a great way to capture your audience

We believe storytelling is a great way to capture the mind and such a compelling approach to captivate your audience. We want to assist you in creating new content for your next ads, TV commercials, photo shoots, documentaries and feature films by sharing with you mesmering and untold stories that will allow you to develop new messages and strategies to engage your customers in memorable and meaningful ways. Ways that will ignite your sales and allow your business to grow as we ride this wave of change, together.

We know we are being guided towards all the cooperative components of right collaborations, creating the right relationships at the right timing to allow our film support work to be in alignment and in perfect order with the highest good of all concerned. Our passion and our calling is to use our production skills as a service to humanity.

We have started to share inspiring and rich stories of the extraordinary land of Panama with you during our Instagram Lives that will occur twice a month, on Thursdays at noon PST.

Join us this Thursday, October 29 to understand the development of music in Panama and learn about one of the most virtuous interpreters of violin that Panama has ever had. We will track the footprints of a Lipinski Stradivarius and learn how this antique violin, constructed in 1715 by the Italian luthier Antonio Stradivari from Cremona, was played by a Panamenian violinist, with Ravel at the piano, in 1928. This remarkable story has yet to be shared on screen.

Join our IG LIVE Thursday October 29 at 12 PM PST

find us on Instagram @ Film Support

Sara Rossi